Czech Medical Association of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (hereinafter referred to as ‘CzMA’) is a voluntary independent association of individuals - doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals, and related fields, or legal entities.
CzMA is a legal entity operating in the territory of the Czech Republic, with its headquarters in Prague. CzMA has its own Statutes, which were adopted at the delegates' congress on November 11, 1992, and amended at the delegates' congresses in 1994, 1996, 2003, 2011, 2015, and 2023.
Statutes – English version
Basic organizational units of the CzMA are professional Societies formed on a professional (specialty) basis and Territorial Associatons of physicians formed on a territorial principle.
The organizational units of the CzMA shall have at least 50 regular members at the time of formation and may be further internally divided and establish lower organizational units (e.g. sections).
The organizational units are internal organizational units of the CzMA without legal personality; in their professional activities, they are autonomous and bear full responsibility for their performance. Organizational units can cooperate with professional associations abroad.
CzMA strives for the development and dissemination of scientifically based knowledge in medical sciences and related fields, and its application in healthcare with a special emphasis on preventive activities.
CzMA participates in raising the level of professional knowledge of its members in the field of medical sciences and related fields, and in spreading health awareness among citizens.
CzMA supports scientific research activities in the field of healthcare, helps create conditions for informing both professional and lay public about its results, and advocates for their application in practice.
CzMA is actively involved in solving issues related to the management, organization, and implementation of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive care and related activities.
CzMA creates conditions for the exchange of information and the development of all forms of cooperation between its members and organizations and institutions with a professional focus in the Czech Republic and abroad.
CzMA fully supports the activities of professional societies, fellowships of physicians, and other associations of workers in healthcare and related fields.
CzMA ensures adherence to ethical principles in the practice of healthcare professions.
CzMA ensures the use of only such diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic methods which nature and effects are supported by currently recognized scientific evidence.
The Medical House is open Mon–Fri from 7:00 to 20:00.
The CzMA secretariat is located on the 4th floor of the Medical House, Sokolská 31, Prague 2.
The central membership registry of the CzMA and its organizational units (i.e., professional societies and fellowships of physicians) is maintained centrally in the secretariat of the CzMA.
Interested parties can register online directly on the website When filling out the application, the applicant must indicate the chosen organizational unit they wish to join. Membership in the CzMA and its organizational units is open to both Czech citizens and foreigners.
The application is forwarded from the central registry to the appropriate committee of the organizational unit for consideration.
The committee of the organizational unit decides on the acceptance of the applicant.
Regular member of the CzMA
The committee of the organizational unit is its governing and executive body; and communicates with individual members of the organizational unit (e.g. sends information about its activities, offers participation in educational events, etc.); the committee cooperates with the board of the CzMA. The committee also sets the amount of membership fees for each organizational unit. Some organizational units have differentiated membership fees for various categories (groups) of members, e.g. based on age. The committee of the organizational unit can also terminate the membership of its members if they do not fulfill the obligations stated in the Statutes of the CzMA.
Membership Fees
According to the Statutes of the CzMA, the membership fee is divided into two parts:
Membership fees are paid once a year based on a payment request sent by the central membership registry of the CzMA via email at the beginning of the calendar year.
Each member can apply for a discount or waiver of the membership fee (members over 70 years old, parental leave). The discount must be requested through the ‘Request for Membership Fee Reduction’ form in Czech language.
Fees are exempt from VAT according to §61 a) of the VAT Act, and since membership in the CzMA is not legally mandatory, fees are not a tax-deductible expense under §24 par. 2 letter d) of the Income Tax Act.
Services provided by the CzMA secretariat to organizational units and members of the CzMA as part of the basic membership fee:
Membership Registry
Economics and Accounting
Publishing and Printing Services
Use of Premises
The basic membership fee does not cover the costs of material consumption, energy, telephones, internet usage, and procurement of IT and other technical equipment for OS.
All forms of the central membership registry can be found here - forms for download.
Central Membership Registry of the CzMA
With the amendment of the CzMA election regulations on May 17, 2022, elections to the committee and review commission of the organizational unit can take place either at a meeting of the relevant body (in-person), electronically, or by combining these two forms. More information and forms for elections can be obtained from the central membership registry
Complete texts of the statutes, rules of procedure, election regulations, and model statutes for organizational units and sections of the CzMA are available in .DOC
Honors and awards granted by organizational units and the board of CzMA
The issuance of all diplomas for awards is ensured by the secretariat of CzMA.
Organizational units of the CzMA award:
The board of the CzMA awards:
The CzMA has significant international contacts. Professional societies of the CzMA are members of 103 foreign (international) professional societies.